Our Customers

     You might be wondering just what you'd expect to find on a visit to our store. We work with chocolate makers who follow a few basic tenets: They buy beans from traceable sources - i.e. individual farmers or co-ops of growers in a particular country. They roast, winnow, grind and create their own chocolate bars, staying true to the flavours innate to that particular location and/or species of tree. They have figured out how to coax flavours and textures from these beans to produce a bar that is a breathtaking, singular, artistic creation.

      To put it more simply, these bars are sustainably harvested and traded, crafted by hand in small batches, and most importantly fantastically good chocolate.

     If that sounds like something you're looking for please shop with us.  Here's a few of our favourite makers at the moment, all of which are currently using our products at The Chocolate Project. Many of these makers have great websites that are both beautiful and informative. We urge you to check them out in more detail.

Akesson's Amano Amedei Amma
Arete Argencove Askinosie Avanaa Chocolat
Chocolat Bonnat Brasstown Cacao Prieto
Castronovo Chocolate
Chapon Dandelion Chocolate Dick Taylor Craft Chocolate Domori
East Van Roasters Fossa Foundry French Broad Chocolates
Fresco Friis Holm Fruition Chocolate Goodnow Farms
Grenada Chocolate LetterPress Chocolate Luisa Abram Madécasse
Manoa Map Chocolate Marana Marou Chocolate
Chocolate Naive Nina Omnom Chocolate Original Beans
Palette de Bine Patric Chocolate Potomac Pralus
Qantu Raaka Ritual Chocolate Rozsavolgyi Csokolade
Cacao Sampaka Shattell Chocolate Sirene Chocolate SOMA Chocolatemaker
Tibito Finnia (formerly Ultimately Chocolate) Uncouth Chocolate Zokoko